Aims and Objectives
By adopting non-formal & continuing education North East National Board of School Education a leading step towards universalition of Higher Education. This novel lead will cater to the needs of those students who are interested in Higher Education. but are unable to join collage and universities lack of resources and time. This also imparts education to poor down trodden & backwards at nominal fee. Board also fulfills the aims vocational & educational rights of Indian Constitution 1950 under article 14,15,19,21,26,29,30,351 & etc.
To Democratize & Universalize Higher Education by providing it to the students at their doorstep in remote place of India.
- To provide higher education to one and all, irrespective of age/sex/caste/territory.
- To provide job oriented and professional education having highest job potential in various Government and non Government institutions and organizations.
- To promote and popularized education under informal education system on pattern of Board, open school and universities of other countries.
- The option to select more and more vocational subjects and imbibe more education at least possible cost.
- To introduce vocational based study i.e. in support of Gromodaya theme.
- To educate for Devl. Of local craft and as per with International level.
- To revolutionaries for modification in traditional education system.
- To improve access to quality education and expert knowledge.
- To achieve more and more literacy and active learning.
- To generate new knowledge and innovative education system.
- To promote problem solving education system.
- Promotion of education Primary, secondary etc.
- To organize and hold lectures, discussions, debates and functions which may afford opportunities for contacts among the members and the people.
- To take necessary steps, toward publication of brochures, articles and hold public meeting etc. for the purpose of promoting the activities of the Board.
- Do all such other things as may be required for attainment of the objects as specified above.